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🏀 March Madness - Amazing Deals All Month 🏀

Coupon Codes and Discount Offers

From time to time, Coastal Hemp Co. will offer coupon codes or other discounts. 

Coastal Hemp Co. Coupon Codes are valid for Online Purchases Only. Purchases made over the phone or in person may not eligible for these Discount Offers at the discretion of Coastal Hemp Co.. Coupon codes may not be combined with volume discounts or other Promotional Offers. Exclusions or Minimum purchase may apply to all Coastal Hemp Co. Discount offers. **Note** is not responsible for typographic or pricing errors. We make every effort to honor a quoted price however we reserve the right to review all orders for accuracy.

Delta Effex Discount Code - new customers Save $5 on $50 purchase - use code DEFFEX5
Delta Extrax Coupon Code - new customers Save $5 on $50 purchase - use code DEFFEX5